Hi, experts.
I have an error when I try to open a form in b1 client.
The error is shown on screen:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text; using SAPbouiCOM.Framework;
using SAPbouiCOM;
namespace WarningsProject
class Menu
private SAPbouiCOM.Application UIApp = SAPbouiCOM.Framework.Application.SBO_Application;
public void SBO_Application_MenuEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent) {
BubbleEvent = true;
ContextMenu contextMenu = ContextMenu.GetObj;
if ( pVal.BeforeAction )
if ( pVal.MenuUID == "3591" )
contextMenu.CreateMenu(string.Format("Учет запчастей/расходников и краски"));
if (pVal.MenuUID == "subMenu0")
var f = new UDOForm2();
catch (Exception ex)
SAPbouiCOM.Framework.Application.SBO_Application.MessageBox(ex.ToString(), 1, "Ok", "", "");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; using System.Text;
using SAPbouiCOM.Framework;
namespace WarningsProject
[FormAttribute("UDO_FT_warning_udo")] class UDOForm2 : UserFormBase
private SAPbouiCOM.Application UIApp = SAPbouiCOM.Framework.Application.SBO_Application;
public UDOForm2()
public override void OnInitializeComponent()
private void OnCustomInitialize()